How to offer your partner an unforgettable Lingam Massage like a professional masseuse


It's a fact that in some parts of the world you will not be able to indulge in a professional massage. This could be due to the cultural, religious & other forms of barriers. It is important to have an understanding to distinguish the genuine & professional Lingam massage. A professional Lingam Massage will last for a duration of one & a half hours to three hours. A professional masseuse will offer you a short appointment prior to the actual massage session. This is a great way to understand the skills of a masseuse & to raise the expectation of the client who will be present in the massage studio in the near future. 

A highlighting factor to distinguish the professional masseuse is that she (there could be men offering Lingam Massage too) will be naked during the massage session. This is the difference between any other massage & the Lingam Massage. The energies that flow within your body will be managed, centralized & focused towards the penis. Again we emphasize that this is not the usual massage with a happy ending. The masseuse offering the service to the client being naked doesn't mean that the client could expect a happy ending. the client always being a male & a male masseuse offering the service does not have any link on the sexual preferences. The lingam massage is an act, practice & a discipline of worshiping the penis. sometimes the traditional massage clients who only expect the happy ending & have never had any professional massage experience might require a formal convincing on this powerful, healing & discipline of worship. the other most important fact is that even if your masseuse is a male don't be discouraged as they offer a great massage. the male will know about the behavior of the male body. the most sensitive areas & parts of the penis, some of which the females dossent have an idea about. the some of the areas situated on the tip of the penis, the testicles etc. 

Relax & enjoy each moment of the massage. Taking deep breaths will let you get into a state of total relaxation and obtain inner peace. 

Depending on the prior to session arrangements & confirmations both the parties will decide on the duration of the massage session. Even though the duration is not the only factor deciding the cost, it is a very important factor to complete a fruitful massage. a professional masseuse usually charges an amount close to $150-$350. Yet again we emphasize that achieving or an happy ending is not the aim of a professional massage. it is natural to experience any sort of an orgasm, attainment of ecstasies. This experience you will realize that it is a far more enhanced, extraordinarily boosted event. it will clearly bring out the sensual being within, awake the senses, unlock your energies. We discussed earlier that ejaculation should be controlled not even during a lingam massage, but even during you have sex with your partner. This could be obtained only when you come to a state where you could manage your tantras or the extraordinary energies generated within.        


In this juicy part of our story we will get to know how to give an out of this world Lingam Massage. Share this with your partner or get her to sit with you in front of the screen to read with you. the more you both understand the process the result will be equally amazing. Even if you have decided on a lingam massage session with a professional Lingam massage masseuse, still this part of information will be very valuable. 

Preparation for the Lingam Massage

We are aware that special things we do in our lives need preparation. The more we prepare the results will be astonishing. It is no exception for lingam massage too. The preparation is key. As such, an amazing penis massage would require few things such as; 


Use high quality spa towels, because nothing should awake you from the sensational journey, not even a rough surface. Use a sufficient amount of towels. Make sure that they are hygienic, dry & warm.

Here are some options fo you to try 


Organic high quality Coconut oil, you can use organic sesame seed oil as well. Any high quality Oil that you use needs to be warmer than the room temperature. It's a best kept secret of professional messages around the world. If you can not find an oil warmer then you can follow these steps. pour the required amount of oil to a ceramic bowl. Now dip the bowl in a larger hot water bowl. The oil stays warm. Make sure that the oil is not too hot too. Here are some options fo you to try             

Here are some options fo you to try 



choose the right kind of soft relaxing music. Depending on your partner's preference you can select music. There is a huge collection of music files on youtube & other platforms. You can select a single piece or select a few pieces & create a playlist. 

Here are some options fo you to try


Candle light symbolism spirituality, existence & livelynes. Light is energy, it gives hope & boost. This ritual, partly a worship while it is a massage session is considered extremely powerful & an event of tantras or in simple terms the energies of the human body enhances & gathers into one location. The candle light could be combined with the electric lights. Using only the candle light could be an out of the world experience. Large candles with candle stands or candles fixed in containers filled with water could also be used.  


Here are some options fo you to try 

Aroma oils

Aroma oils set your mood, relaxes you & it is a special therapy used specially in asian countries to cure physically & mentally.

Here are some options fo you to try 


Use pillows as required. There are special pillows too if you wish to spend some money on them.    

Here are some options for you to try.

Room Temperature

Room Temperature is a vital factor. The right temperature puts you in the right mood. Set the air conditioner to the correct temp position.

Lets now start the session of Lingam Massage by sitting on the floor or the bed facing each other, holding hands, closing your eyes. Connect with each other in a brief session of meditation.   Listen to the soothing music, take deep breaths, exhale softly, take time. Talk to your partner, whisper, share your intentions. Ask questions & never be embarrassed. Even if you are, this is the right moment to wipe it off & get onboard. 

Reminding you again, something very important, this is aimed at an orgasm of any sort even though you will get into such a state or even higher. Lingam Massage is undoubtedly an eye rolling, heavy breathing, indulging in an ocean of pleasure 

Let's get back to where we paused. Ah' yes the whispers. . . m . m . m

Let all the inviting factors flow on offering pleasure to you & your most precious; soothing music, aroma, the air & all the others

Get naked, 

m . m  . m you heard it right, 

slowly... piece by piece. 

Whisper something that holds you from getting naked; something like, I never wanted to get naked infront of someone before, I was ashamed of my breasts, that they are too small, I was ashamed of taking off my top(male), my chest was little too bumpy, I never wanted to show my navel, I thought it never had the correct shape, Im skinny i dont have curves, I never wanted to open up my penis. . I thought it was smaller than normal. These statements empty your fears, shamefulness & moreover empty your thoughts, your selfishness & all that attitude you hold. It's just you are what you are. Nakedness empties & gives you amazing comfort & relaxation.  

You are now standing in front of the divinity within. Worship with hands together with a slight smile, whole heartedly the divinity within each other. This is worshiping the receiver in a special manner too. Ask permission from him to touch for you to worship the Lingam, to indulge, move the tantras around the body, while venerating & worshiping. Look into each other's eyes. Hold each others hands. Take deep breaths, empting & press the belly inside, fill the lungs with fresh air, slowly, hold it without worrying the chest not tightening. Match the rhythm of each other's breath, feel just as you share the same lungs & same heart. Let the energies flow between each other. Let the tantras move around, connect with each others energy levels.


Keep enough pillows, let the receiver lay down, help keep a pillow under the hips to make it more comfortable. Make it comfortable for you as well, the connection of two bodies is so sensitive that the receiver might feel very uncomfortable sensing that you are uncomfortable & not feeling it in the usual manner. 

Start from the bottom, the toes, legs, knees, thighs, but avoid the Lingam. Even if you touch it while moving up the body, complete a gentle full body massage using a little lubrication, use some coconut oil. Be gentle on the strokes, smooth & go slow.

When the Massage for the full body is done, the receiver gets relaxed & when you feel he is in a comfortable state, sit between his legs. This is the magical moment to start with the great worship, the Lingam Massage. Touch the lingam gently for the first time from one hand while touching the heart from the other hand. Feel the beat of the heart, touch the nipple & the sensitive skin smoothly, just like connecting the two points with an electric wire. Pour over a generous amount of oil on the lingam, hold the penis between your palms, just like you worship him, hold it a little tight, massage the palms together as if you are worshiping in a sacred temple. Let the receiver feel that he is totally worshiped. 

It is never an important factor if the penis is erected & hard or not. Rather what is important is how much the receiver is comforted & how much the giver is relaxed & eased. So continue with the stocks. The moment you feel it's getting intense & the receiver's facial expressions show that, take your hands off from the penis & touch the legs, thighs, belly, chest, nipples, skin around the ears, inviting the raging energies flow around the body. Try this several times.

A very important thing to keep a tab of is, don't rush, harsh or firm during any of your touches, anywhere on his body.  

What are the most insane styles of giving a Lingam Massage?

There are the many ways & styles of giving a lingam massage. But, not all of them are required for you to offer your partner an awesome & thrilling experience. On top of all, what is really required is to live in the moment, the moment of now just to understand what he urges for. Stay in touch with the receiver not just by physical touch but, also with your eye contact. At the beginning & at several stages & intervals observe & request for feedback, gently whisper questions like, do you like that? How does it feel? is this the way you want it? how do you want me to do that; gently? with more oil? harder? slower? 

The receiver's addictions or habits will be a myth & the true relaxation of Lingam Massage will be revealed. If the receiver is addicted to years of mastabation, then he will for sure hold the myths of holding the penis with a neck squeezing grip, the thrusting technique or any other myth that you carry since you are a teenager. The lingam Massage will enhance the sensitivity, Expand the levels of energy inside your body.   

The receiver, the partner, the lover, whom you worship during this ritual of Lingam Massage, is awaiting your touch on his most precious energy builder of his body. The body is craving for the moment. That higher level of expectation is really key to build the energies within. As you are aware there is a discipline of each & every ritual in each religion. Likewise in a lingam massage there are recognized styles in which the tantras could be gathered, enhanced & spread around your body & radiant on others too. As such, the first style out of the best we are discussing here is Shiatsu. the penis will be gently, softly awakened by this act. Begin to touch the penis from the bottom, the base of the post, just like an Iceberg. The real roots are found somewhat deeper than you think. But, here in this style we will stick to the base which our naked eyes could see. use both hands & hold the penis from its bottom & gently squeeze, then release. Then go up by about a centimeter & again squeeze. Repeat the same, gently, slowly until you reach the tip of the penis. This style will slowly yet gently awaken the penis physically & awaken the energies within. 

Let's move on to the second style which will be electrifying. you have to hold the sides of the penis with both hands slowly going up from the base to the tip. Alternatively go up & down with the thumb holding the penis. Try & experience the speeds, grips & areas you touch.

Excite him with this new style we are sharing now. Touch the penis gently whisper & ask questions, hold it with both hands twist it like you turn the screw driver. Try speeding up, give a little pressure. Remember you don't squeeze this sacred object, be gentle & honour.

Before we move on to the next excitement, make sure that you help him to control the ejaculation, make him not to switch off. Let the energy charge & super charge & not charge till it explodes. I know you can't wait to know the next style. so, this is the one. slow down the strokes, be gentle & be mild. Slow as if this is a meditation move. Locate the frenulum of the penis. it's just under the tip/head of the penis. Touch it with the tip of your thumb & the index finger. Circle around find that eye rolling & moaning igniter. The moment you see his expressions you'll know that you are there. Now, go slow, gently move looking at his expressions, enjoy with him & indulge him in the ocean of pleasure. 

Worship him with your hands crossed. Then bend over to the iron bar, it is now, send your closed palms circling them with the joystick, open the palms to see the blossom opening to you. just like an anthurium with two petals. 

These basically are the prim styles whereas there are other magical styles remaining you want to know. We'll tempt you & make you curious. More than that, now you are open for an assignment to be more creative & dig for more information, examine your partner's sacred object in more detail. This is something schools want to teach you, even your adults want to do that as they envy the spirit in you. 

You will learn with expressions, whispers, feedback, & most importantly the eye contact. So, little by little you will become an artist & a skillful artist in the Lingam massage, the bond will enhance your senses to understand your partner not only during the massage but even during the day today life.  

The lingam Massage will enhance the sensitivity, Expand the levels of body energy & let the energy roam around empowering the receiver. It boosts the bond, keeps you both energized. This secret information is offered to you assuming that you two are partners, any relationship needs to have fuel to keep the fire going. Life is to live, live happily & in full. 

Hope you enjoyed my post. Lingam Massage is a concept some people don't openly discuss much. This could be because of the cultural, religious & social barriers. Yet, one must agree with me that the tantras or super powers & energies within your body are enhanced, aroused & centralized just like in a nuclear reactor. 

Comment me your thoughts, share with your friends, partners & admirers whom you might think would read this, indulge in the experience sometimes & thank you in many ways (who knows, cheers . . .)      

Let's meet up in another juicy post just like this . . . keep the assignment live. 

Image Credits:

Photo by SHVETS production: 

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya:


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